28 November, 2016Type
PublicationMobility is critical to a sustainable world and the achievement of many of the Sustainable Development Goals. Mobility advances development, linking people, connecting communities to jobs, education and each other, building markets and facilitating trade. In turn sustainable mobility can advance sustainable development.
The SBA Sustainable Mobility Project is a crosssector collaboration to lead an Australian business response to the challenges and opportunities of meeting Sydney’s mobility needs more sustainably. The project’s aim is to explore what sustainable mobility means for Sydney and how business can bring forward solutions that can shape mobility; through collaborative engagement, innovation and new business models.
This report is the output of Stage 1 of the SBA Sustainable Mobility Project. Using WBCSD methodology and globally benchmarked mobility monitoring and evaluation framework, a baseline of Sydney’s sustainable mobility performance has been established.
Sydney has a Hybrid mobility system with a mix of characteristics – an efficient mass transit system in places, but also vast urban sprawl, resulting in too heavy reliance and inefficient use of private vehicles.